Offering products and merchandise inspired by the Global Grenadier Community

Our Story

Stu, a Grenadier enthusiast, knows the thrill of conquering any terrain behind the wheel of his beloved off-roader. But his passion extended beyond his own adventures. He created a vibrant community of Grenadier owners online, sharing tips, mods, and a deep love for the rugged vehicles - theINEOSforum - a haven for these like-minded adventurers.

TheINEOSforum quickly blossomed, becoming a hub for Grenadier knowledge and camaraderie. Members weren't just sharing experiences; they were brimming with ingenious ideas for customizing and enhancing their vehicles. Needs for specific parts and accessories arose, and Stu, ever the facilitator, recognized a golden opportunity.

Thus, Grenadier Works was born. It's more than just a store; it's a direct line between the passionate INEOSforum community and the gear they crave. Here, you'll find a curated selection of products, meticulously chosen based on member recommendations and real-world experiences. Whether you're seeking performance upgrades, rugged accessories, or even forum member-designed merchandise, Grenadier Works has you covered.

Stu, along with the dedicated Grenadier Works team, remains deeply connected to the forum. They actively listen to member feedback, ensuring the store carries the parts and equipment that truly elevate the Grenadier experience. So, if you're a Grenadier owner looking to take your adventures to the next level, or simply want to connect with a community that shares your passion, look no further than Grenadier Works. It's by the community, for the community, built on the shared love for conquering any path.